Democrat-Gazette - 2018 Notable Arkansas-related Albums
"The Arkansas based singer-songwriter makes hardscrabble roots-rock. Return, the [new] album by Blackart, acts as a supplemental soundtrack to the Netflix series, Ozark." - There Stands the Glass
Blackart delivers humble poetry through the ebbs and flows of folk informed musings. Both warm and worn, [he] carefully constructs and condenses the collective wisdom of the everyman’s soul into a simple tongue.
- Found Sounds
"One of Arkansas' great songwriting talents."
- Arkansas Times
"...the stories he told were poetic and captivating, as substantive as literature. His voice was rough and emotive, weather-beaten, framed by the hypnotic, spare music.” - Dakota Discography
"...he hasn't abandoned his punk origins. Jutting out of his stoic, straight-up folk songs are remnants of his musical past. There's an edge to the music: Blackart's gravelly voice, the violent shifts in melody, tempo and tone.” - Lincoln Journal-Star
“William Blackart brings a haunting, desolate sincerity to his scratchy-throated acoustic ballads. An Arkansas native, Blackart injects a southern folk-punk twist into territory explored by lo-fi country, Chuck Ragan, Lucero, and Bruce Springsteen on his album Nebraska.” – Internationalist Books​